In a way a musician's instruments are just that, instruments for making sound, like a cook's pots are important but never the focus of the dinner. On the other hand, a musician's instruments also represent a quest for individual sound. My instruments are both. Because some of them are unusual choices, of interest to some other woodwind artists, I am naming them here. When you have a special instrument, the spirit of the maker is present as you practice and perform, participating with you in complex ways.

Tenor Saxophones:
Selmer Balanced Action 31,xxx; early brass Dukoff mouthpiece 7+
Selmer Mark VI 68,xxx; pre-usa Otto Link 8*
Selmer Mark VI 61,xxx
Selmer Mark VI 168,xxx
Alto Saxophone
Selmer Mark VI 65,xxx gold plated, New York Meyer Bros 6
Soprano Saxophones:
Rampone & Cazzani saxello (2004), gold plated, with Yanagisawa mouthpiece (7, 8 and a 9, all custom finished) or Selmer old style round chamber rubber F
Rampone fully curved soprano, matte gold plate (2005)
Yamaha prototype soprano, silver plated
I never set out to collect flutes. All my flutes are for performance use. Each one convinces me it is the very best way to make a flute, while I am playing it. Of course there are a few I rely on most. When playing flutes like these, the maker is a constant friend, exerting a strong and wise influence that is somehow built into the silver.
Louis Lot #2146, French silver, built in 1875, original head and lip plate, scale retuned by Nick Crabb
Louis Lot #2826 silver plated maillechort
Louis Lot #60xx silver plated maillechort
Louis Lot #7786 French silver
Louis Lot, wood, Villete period
Bonneville #1813, French silver, built around 1880, all original scale and headjoint, Dorus G# key
Bonneville #752, French silver, original lip plate, scale adjusted with inserts only by Gary Lewis
Bonneville #16xx, French silver, original head and lip plate, tuning-adjusted
Bonneville #3718, French silver, B-foot, tuning-adjusted, original head and lip plate
Rive #200, French silver, built around 1870, all original, formerly owned by Tom Nyfenger
Rive #1963, French silver
Lebret silver plated maillechort
Powell piccolo built in 1973
Haynes piccolo built in 1960
Bonneville picollos #2402 & #2761, Louis Lot piccolo
Rudall Carte alto flute, built in London , 1920s
George Haynes alto flute, built in New York City , 1920s
Rudall Carte bass flute, built in London , 1960
George Haynes Eb soprano flute, 1920s
I use a variety of Buffet clarinets with Chedeville mouthpieces, a modern Chedeville copy, a Cicero Kasper, and a few other things. A Buffet Eb, and a Selmer low C Bass Clarinet, with a Selmer mouthpiece remade by Everett Matson.
I use Moenig recorders of various fine woods and vintages.
Various world flutes and whistles.
I use Sibelius notation program, Digital Performer sequencing and audio recording, with a matched pair of Royer 121 ribbon microphones.